MUS 313, Form and Analysis MUS 313 ScheduleWilliam Wieland
Northern State University, Every Spring Semester
Mondays & Wednesdays, 8:00 – 8:50, Spafford 305
Instructor: Dr. William Wieland
Office: Spafford Hall Room 304
Phone: 626-2499
Office Hours: Please refer to Dr. Wieland's Schedule.
E-mail Address:
Prerequisites: MUS 110, MUS 111, and MUS 210.
Required Materials: Print the first movement of Mozart's 40th Symphony. (See Mozart's Symphony no. 40, mvt 1 — Annotated Score.) Please bring a pencil, paper, and staff paper to every class. You will also receive handouts. Free staff paper can be printed from my web site. Go to Theory Things and look under “Staff Paper”.
Description: A survey of the principal forms and styles in instrumental and vocal literature through directed listening, analysis and composition.
Objectives: To understand how and why pieces of music work and, by extension, how they might have been composed and how they might be performed, heard or taught. To move beyond description to analysis and composition. Practically speaking, we will study for the Praxis exam, the MFT exam and graduate school entrance requirements as well as prepare for teaching music.
Objectives from the NASM Handbook 2021–22, Section VIII. B. Common Body of Knowledge and Skills:

2. Musicianship Skills and Analysis. Students must acquire:
  1. An understanding of the common elements and organizational patterns of music and their interaction, the ability to employ this understanding in aural, verbal, and visual analyses, and the ability to take aural dictation.
  2. Sufficient understanding of and capability with musical forms, processes, and structures to use this knowledge and skill in compositional, performance, analytical, scholarly, and pedagogical applications according to the requisites of their specializations.
  3. The ability to place music in historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts.
5. While synthesis is a lifetime process, by the end of undergraduate study students must be able to work on musical problems by combining, as appropriate to the issue, their capabilities in performance; aural, verbal, and visual analysis; composition and improvisation; and history and repertory.
Activities: Score analysis, aural analysis, discussion, lecture, writing and performance.
Grade weighting: 35% Quizzes (See the MUS 313 Schedule.)
20% Scavenger Hunts — You may work ahead.
15% Comprehensive Final Exam
15% Assignments — no late work accepted
 5% Mozart's Requiem “Lacrimosa” Analysis Assignment
 5% Mozart's Requiem “Lacrimosa” Essay
 5% Play a lead sheet with decent voicings.
Letter grades: A 90% to 100%
B 80% to 90%
C 70% to 80%
D 60% to 70%
F Below 60%
You must pass the comprehensive final exam to pass the class.
I do not accept late assignments, but you may retake any quiz once during my office hours until 5:00 pm on the last day of the semester. (Dr. Wieland's Schedule) I will record only the highest grades.
What is an A? An A is going beyond what is usual. Students who simply meet minimum course requirements earn Bs or Cs. An A indicates extraordinary work and a B is a good grade.
Excessive absenteeism or tardiness usually results in lower grades. Students are responsible for information missed as a result of truancy.
Academic Honesty: Please refer to the Student Disciplinary Code of the NSU Student Handbook.
Official NoticesTechnology in the Classroom
Caveat: This syllabus is subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.