Mozart's Requiem "Lacrimosa" Essay William Wieland
  1. Before you begin writing, complete and discuss Mozart's Requiem "Lacrimosa" Analysis Assignment. (We will do this just after spring break.) This will provide ample raw material to write an essay. I will look for a discussion of how melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics, articulation, and orchestration are related to the Latin text.
  2. Write a thesis. Thesis Review is a helpful powerpoint from Dr. Lysbeth Benkert, NSU English Professor.
  3. Support your thesis with facts. (Again, refer to the Mozart's Requiem "Lacrimosa" Analysis Assignment.)
  4. Please use this essay structure: Intro — Body — Conclusion
  5. Use proper grammar and spelling. Avoid informal language by Andrzej Duszenko, NSU English Professor.
Help — The NSU Writing Center is an excellent resource for every stage of the writing process.

Grades — Every essay begins with 100 points.
  • 60 points – no final draft
  • 40 points – no rough draft
  • 30 points – the final draft was late
  • 20 points – the rough draft was late
  • 30 points – no thesis
  • up to 20 points – thesis unsupported by facts
  • up to 15 points – poor structure
  • 2 points for each instance of poor grammar (only on the final draft)
  • 2 points per misspelling (only on the final draft)