Harmonize an Unfamiliar Melody MUAP 115 SyllabusScheduleWilliam Wieland
You will play a tune with your right hand and cadence pattern chords with your left hand.

First, learn several left hand major cadence patterns from one of the following pages:
To get started, play the following pages:
Examples of simple hymns that have been harmonized:


Semester 1 — C major 5-finger pattern melodies

Semester 2 — 6 or 7 pitch tunes in B flat, F, G, and D major

Semester 3 — Octave range melodies

Semester 4 — Harmonize a tune at sight. (Practice all of the above.)

A middle school music educator once told me that adding chords to a tune was the most important piano skill she used in the classroom.

Exemplary (grade of A) Excellent chordal choices and coordination with melodic line. Pulse is steady and expressive.
Proficient (B or C) Suitable chordal accompaniment with fairly steady pulse.
Below Proficient  (D or F) Unsuitable chordal accompaniment and lack of steady pulse.