MUS 111L Sing and Play | Schedule Syllabus William Wieland |
Most Tuesdays I quickly check that everyone understands the assignment and can play some of it. In some cases we choose more challenging material. This is easiest and fastest to do in person, but you may also either schedule a Zoom meeting with me or submit a video before 5:00 pm on Friday. Finally, I evaluate your playing twice each semester, i.e. the MIDTERM and the FINAL.
33⅓% Tuesday Quick Checks — You score 100 points every week that you complete the quick check on time.
After Friday at 5:00 pm that week, I deduct 10 points for every class day the quick check is late.
33⅓% Midterm
33⅓% Final
Each midterm and final item will be graded from 0–100 using the following rubric:
100 points — substantially exceeded expectations
85 points — good performance
70 points — satisfactory performance
50 points — struggled, but managed to play
0 points — utterly failed to perform