MUS 321 Music Technology | William Wieland |
Classtime: 9:00–9:50 am, Mondays and Wednesdays, Spafford Hall Room 313 | |||||||
Instructor: Dr. William Wieland E-mail: Phone: 626-2499 | |||||||
Office: Spafford Hall Room 304 Office Hours: Please refer to my Class Schedule. | |||||||
Classrooms: We will almost always begin in the Music Technology Classroom (Spafford 313) but we will also visit the Music Computer Lab (Spafford 309), work with the Digital Recording Cart (JFAC 107A) and take field trips (TBA). | |||||||
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. | |||||||
Materials: Please bring a pencil, paper and staff paper to every class and work session. You will also receive handouts. Free staff paper can be printed from my web site. Go to Theory Things and look under STAFF PAPER. | |||||||
Online Resources: Introduction to Recording and Sound Reinforcement by Gino Sigismondi (Shure Incorporated) | |||||||
Useful Books Available in the Library: Williams & Webster. Experiencing Music Technology. Updated 3rd ed. 2008. Stone. Music Notation in the Twentieth Century. Read. Music Notation. Powell. Music Engraving Today. | |||||||
Equipment: NOTHING MAY LEAVE THE ROOMS. We must share everything. | |||||||
Description: Creative hands-on experience with state-of-the-art electronic and computer music studio equipment and representative music software. Topics discussed include MIDI, synthesis techniques, electronic composition, software. | |||||||
Objectives: To introduce all of the topics listed in the description. To become acquainted with technology you did not know at the beginning of the semester. To complete one or more projects. | |||||||
Activities: Hands-on computer work through weekly assignments, a presentation and a final project. Class time will include lecture, discussion, and listening. | |||||||
Grades: Your grades are weighted as follows:
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Attendance: I take roll every class period. 5 minutes late is considered tardy and being tardy twice is equal to one absence. Students are responsible for information missed as a result of being absent or tardy. Ask Woody. | |||||||
Academic Honesty: Please refer to the Student Disciplinary Code of the NSU Student Handbook. | |||||||
Academic Freedom ADA Statement Diversity Statement Student Success/Starfish | |||||||
Caveat: This syllabus is subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. |