Keyboard Harmony Listening Quiz Theory ThingsWilliam Wieland
  • I will play a scale and we will sing tonic to establish the key.
  • Write the Roman numerals you hear.
  • Each 3-chord progression will be played twice. Each 5-chord progression will be played three times.
Questions 1 – 5 are all in C and chosen from the 3-chord progressions listed below.

Questions 6 & 7 are in other keys and present 5-chord progressions built from 2 of those listed below. (The middle chord is always a tonic triad.)

Question 8 is in yet another key and features a 5-chord progression created from any Roman numerals used on this website, but in new voicings and progressions. *
Keyboard Musicianship: I - V - I i - V - i I - IV - I
I - V7- I i - V7- i I - V+- I
Six-Four Chords:
- V - I
I - IV6
- I
I - I6
- I
I - V6
- I6
Tips — Use I IV V i (NO ii iii iv v vi viio)
* Possible segments of question 8:  I6
- V7
- I  or  I6
- V6
- I

The following practice quizzes include 10 questions each.
1 – 5 match the description above.
6 – 8 match questions 6 & 7 above, while
9 & 10 match question 8 above.

Answers:  Practice Quiz 1Practice Quiz 2Practice Quiz 3