Rhythm Writing 2 — use proper beams Fundamentals Exam VI  William Wieland
—  Simple Meter — Beam eighths in pairs.
—  Compound Meter — Beam eighths in groups of three.
 —   First write then erase every other barline.  —   Use only the rhythms of Simple Meter Dictation.
(You will need to tie notes across barlines
and/or across the middle of measures.)
 —   Use only the rhythms of Simple Meter Dictation and either a quarter note or two eighths. (You may need to tie notes.)
 —   First write then erase every other barline.  —   Use only the rhythms of Compound Meter Dictation.
(As before, you will need to use ties.)
Eighths Eighth-Quarter Quarter-Eighth Dotted Quarter Note becomes Eighths Eighth-Quarter Quarter-Eighth Dotted Quarter Note