Solar Panels William Wieland's Family
Solar Panels In 2009 we mounted 4 solar panels on the south side of our home like an awning. They are each 21 inches by 4 feet. They are at a 45° angle because Aberdeen, SD is at about 45° north latitude. They are mounted a few inches away from the siding so air can flow around them. Cooler solar panels produce more electricity.
Safety Disconnect The safety disconnect on the right can shut down the whole system. The box on the left is a standard circuit breaker panel.
Battery Box I do not have a photo of the battery because it is in a box which is insulated from the cold attic but separated only by drywall from our upstairs bedroom. Batteries perform best at room temperature.
Battery Charger We charge AAA, AA, C, D and 9 volt batteries with a very efficient 12 volt charger.