Harmonic Minor Scales | Piano Pages William Wieland |
Minor 5-finger Pattern — Minor 5-finger pattern plus half steps | |
If you know the major scales, you know the fingering for the A, B, C, D, E, F and G harmonic minor scales. (The C harmonic minor scale is fingered like the C major scale, etc.) | |
CAGED—The C, A, G, E and D harmonic minor scales are fingered alike. The middle fingers play together. • 1 octave on the Staff: C A G E D • Keyboard Diagrams: C A G E D • 3 octaves on the Staff: C A G E D | |
B, F, B flat, E flat—Learn or review V and W from the American Sign Language, Fingerspelling.... • 1 octave on the Staff: B F • Keyboard Diagrams: B F B flat E flat • 3 octaves on the Staff: B F | |
The Rest—Good luck! • Keyboard Diagrams: C sharp F sharp G sharp | |
My Scale Routine |