Presentation (about 20 to 30 min.) William Wieland
Present an analysis of a contemporary composition to the class.

1. Choose at least one composition with the assistance of Dr. Wieland. (We want to study a wide variety of music throughout the semester.)

2. Find a recording for yourself that you can also share with the class when you present.

3. Research the significant features of the composition.

4. If possible, procure and study a score. If that is impossible or expensive, please locate excerpts.

5. Create visual aids that help us understand the piece, e.g. diagrams, charts, and/or Roman numeral analysis.

6. Present your insights to the class—not necessarily in this order.
  • Play your recording for the class. If it is a long work, choose salient sections.
  • Identify the important features, techniques, and/or philosophies.
  • If possible, show us the music and any graphics you made.
  • Share a short biography of the composer, e.g. year of birth, residence(s), education, experiences, accomplishments, and representative works.
  • Play your recording once again.