Drawing/Prose Assignment Music Composition Assignments   William Wieland
Composition Component

Please read the Alex Shapiro article I gave you and, in the fashion described, compose a piece which we can listen to in class. Bring your visual art and prose as well.
  1. Think. Create a piece in your head.
  2. Draw, color, or paint a visual representation of your composition.
  3. Add descriptive words to the work of art.
  4. Compose the actual music.
Listening/Reading Component

Alex ShapiroSusanne Kessel, For my Father - Alex Shapiro

John CoriglianoCorigliano, Symphony No 2 (This piece won the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Music.)
If time,

Discuss synesthesia. Listen to Starer's Sketches in Color and Torke's Color Music. (Try to name the colors!)

Peruse graphic scores.

Peruse Rebecca Shockley's Mapping music: for faster learning and secure memory.