Accompanying William Wieland
Musicians frequently ask me to accompany or collaborate with them. I am flattered, but I cannot say yes to everyone. Please give me the music for a week and I will determine if I am able to perform it.

I try to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • No Juries — I must listen to all of the piano juries and proficiency exams. I also give (and correct) theory and class piano exams every semester. My freshman courses (theory and class piano) include dozens of short quizzes. I need time to calculate semester grades.
  • No Convocations or Studio Classes — unless the repertoire will also be performed at a recital or competition.
  • Approximately 2 Large Commitments per Semester — Factors include difficulty (practice time) and rehearsal time. Large commitments must be spaced about 2 months apart and limited to roughly 30 minutes of music because I am not a concert artist and my teaching load is heavy.
  • Only One Student of a Senior Recital

I reserve the right to say yes or no to any request. I am more likely to say yes if I have already performed the music.

My pecking order:
  1. Faculty Colleagues and Guest Artists
  2. NSU Ensembles
  3. Senior Recitals
  4. Concerto/Aria Competition
  5. Young Artist Competition
  6. Scholarship Auditions
  7. Other Student Competitions