MuseScore TipsDownload MuseScoreWilliam Wieland
To Enter Notes, click the uppercase N with a note on its left side (on the upper left), choose a note duration, and click on the staff.
To Place 2 Rhythmically Independent Parts on One Staff, first enter the notes for the higher part. Next, click on the quarter note followed by the number 2 (in the upper right) and enter the notes for the lower part. 1 is stems up and 2 is stems down.
To Delete Empty Measures, Select a measure (or hold Shift and select multiple measures.) Type either Ctrl + Backspace or Ctrl + Delete.
To Add or Modify Lyrics, click this link.
To Add an Instrument (to add a staff), click on the Edit menu and click Instruments...
Choose an instrument, click the Add to Score button, and click OK.
To Change an Instrument,
  1. right-click on an empty part of any measure and choose Staff/Part Properties...,
  2. click Change Instrument,
  3. choose your new instrument then click OK to return to the Staff Properties dialog, and
  4. click OK again to return to the score.
To Select a Measure, turn off enter notes and click somewhere in the bar—but not on a note or rest. A blue rectangle should appear.
To select multiple measures, select the first measure and—while holding down the shift key—select the last bar.
To Toggle Between a Concert and a Transposed Score, click the Concert Pitch button on the lower right.
To Create Parts, make certain your full score is exactly the way you want it, then under the File menu, click on Parts..., All Parts, and OK. You should see a tab for the full score and each part.
For any questions you may have, search online. Simply type “MuseScore 4” followed by a keyword or question.